

Sunday, May 8, 2011

5/7/11: Bloggy Boot Camp Boston - My First Blogging Conference

I attended my first Blogger conference.  The SITS (the Secret to Success is Support) girls ran this conference.  It was such a great experience for me to learn so much from other people who have a passion for blogging too.  I had never seen so many other people who liked to do what I do. 
I was lucky enough to go on behalf of Juice in the City who also sponsored the coffee break portion of the event.
They are looking to expand in to Boston and at the conference hoping to find some bloggers interested in becoming a LBC (Local Business Consultants) or a broadcaster.  For LBC's, the application is here.
There's a video on how Juice in the City first got started here.  For another article that does a good job of describing everything from beginning to end, check out the article done by the Patch
The whole experience was not intimidating which was nice.  I felt like everyone was super nice and helpful.  I was able to hear many inspiring speakers including my friend Mommy Niri talk about using Social Media for good.  I learned so much about branding, partnering with companies, legal aspects of blogging, and how to build my following.  I hope it leads to great things in the future.  Even if it doesn't help my blog significantly I got to meet some really cool people and share my blog with them and that makes it all worth it.
Blogging Conference
  Here is the pile of business cards I need to go through of bloggers I met at the conference. 
Disclosure:  My ticket to Bloggy Boot Camp was provided by Juice in the City.


  1. So nice to meet you yesterday ~ fellow BLOGGER and SCRAPBOOKER! It was meant to be!

  2. It was nice to meet you yesterday, Gilda! Thanks for this info on Juice in the City! Happy Mother's Day :-)

  3. Oh my goodness I wanted to go to this!!

  4. Love that Social Toast card on top!! So nice meeting you at boot camp!

