

Friday, August 19, 2011

7/19/11: Blueberries, Peaches, and Flower Picking at Parlee Farms

Last year we went to Parlee Farms and loved it so we thought we would go back again this year.  What a great time we had.  We started out Blueberry picking.
 The kids had a great time.
 Evan was looking for the biggest blueberries he could find.
Then we moved on to Peach picking.
 Again looking for the biggest.  They were huge!
Then we moved on to Flower Picking.  It is my parents 45the Anniversary so we thought we would pick some for Nana.
Then the kids had fun riding on the tractors.
And last but not least went to feed the animals and have ice cream.

What a full and fun day!  If you have any Peach or Blueberry recipes comment and let me know what they are as I have a lot of fruit I need to bake/cook with and eat. 

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