

Friday, August 19, 2011

8/17/11: Fun at Ipswich River Park

We love to go to Ipswich River Park on Wednesday nights during the summer.  There is a Kids show, Concert, Pony Rides, BBQ, and a park to play in.  What a great night for it too, as the weather was perfect.  Unfortunately this one was the last one of the season and the first one we made it to.  Wow the summer flew!
Evan is the type of kid that always raises his hand to get picked at kids shows and barely ever does.  But this time he did!  He was so excited.  He was able to perform magic with Awesome Robb.  But don't ask me what tricks they did, I was so preoccupied with how excited I was he was up there and taking pictures I really didn't pay attention.
Evan getting some applause.
 Holding the Microphone.
 Doing tricks.
 With the magic wand.
Well I guess we will have to wait till next year to go back.  So much for summer, it was fleeting.

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