

Saturday, April 21, 2012

4/21/12: Opening Day for Little League and the Angels!

 Today was Opening Day for Little League with over 1,000 players!  Evan is on the Angels and was very excited to be in the parade and presentations at the Field.  Here he is on the Field.
 Last year Evan wasn't able to play as his birthday is May 26th and the cutoff is mid-April to play so he was very excited to play Instructional 1 this year.  And here he is with one of his friends from class that is on his team.
 In the Parade with his team.
 Waving to Mommy, Daddy and Lauren.
 Here he is with his team on the Field.
 Listening to all the presentations.
 Time for the Pledge of Allegiance.
 About half of the field of kids.
 Evan with Papa.
 Evan with his proud sister.
Here were his formal Baseball Pictures.
And his team.

1 comment:

  1. team was just about right behind his team at the ceremony. We are minor league Athletics. I was lucky enough to be in the parade too ;)

    Hope he has a great season!
