

Friday, May 18, 2012

5/18/12: Boston Aqarium Field Trip

After 4 years of Field Trips with Lauren's preschool, this was my last as she goes off to Kindergarten next year.  It started with Evan being there for 2 years and then Lauren went the year after.  What a fun field trip to the Boston Aquarium!
 Lauren and her friend Claire held hands as they walked through the whole Aquarium, it was so cute.
 I have a lot of pictures of their backs, but I love this one with the big turtle in the main tank.
 Looking on at the Sea Otters.
 Posing with the wooden turtles.
 Lauren really enjoyed touching the star fish.  I was somewhat surprised by this.
 Posing with another metal turtle.
They would take a picture by themselves and then always want to take one together.  It was super cute.
Love this picture.  Looks like Lauren is talking to him.
 What a fun time for the girls, and me.
I was lucky that after this I was invited to a blogger lunch with the Toy Guy at Legal Seafood right across the street from the Aquarium.  Perfect timing as I was already there for the Field Trip.

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