

Saturday, May 19, 2012

5/19/12: Lauren's 1st Parade Twirling with the Suburban-ettes

Today Lauren marched in the Apple Blossom Festival Parade in Westford with the Suburban-ettes twirling team.  This was her 1st parade twirling baton and she did awesome!  Plus today was my Mom's birthday, Lauren's Nana.  So what better present than to have a parade.  She looked so adorable!
 Here she is with some of the other little ones before the parade.
 Here she was at home all ready to go.
 Ready to start the parade!
 Here she is with the little girl she twirls with.  They do a duet in two numbers.  One with umbrellas to April Showers and one with just their batons to the Mickey Mouse march song.
 Here they are walking to the start of the parade.
 All the girls ready to go.
 Here she is twirling away.  What a flashback for me as I twirled in so many parades as a kid!  I got to walk with them.  Of course I brought my baton to show Lauren what to do. 
 Doing so good!
 March, march, march.
 So seriously watching the older girls to make sure she was doing the right thing.
 So close to the end.
 Twirl, twirl.
Here is some video:

All done!
 Here she is with her teacher Mrs. Dunn.
 There was a carnival at the end.  Lauren was very excited to go on the rides.
 She loved the caterpillar roller coaster!
Such a fabulous day and a great job for Lauren!

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