

Thursday, June 14, 2012

6/14/12: Lauren's Preschool Graduation from the Learning Garden

I can't believe it, my little girl Lauren graduated Preschool last night.  It is so bittersweet as we have been going to the Learning Garden for 4 years as Evan went there for two years and then right in to Lauren going there.  Here she is with her Diploma.
Here is a flashback to her 1st day of Preschool two years ago.  Wow how time has flown.
She chose to be a Speckled Frog just like her brother for the song she sang at Graduation.
 They were all so cute and did a great job singing.
Here was Evan when he was in his graduation.
Lauren loves to sing so this was no problem for her.
 Getting applause.
 Here she is getting her diploma.
 Waving hi to us.
 Singing their ABCs.
 Here she is with her teacher Mrs. Smulligan.  Evan also had her so she got to see an Alumni.
 Here is Lauren with her best buddy Ellery.  They were in class last year together and really hit it off.  We hope to have some play dates with her so the girls can play.
 Here are all the graduates!

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