

Sunday, July 8, 2012

7/8/12: Canobie Lake Park Fun

Every year we take the kids to Canobie Lake Park in Salem, NH.  I have fond memories of going when I was a kid and it is fun now to see how much Canobie has grown and how much my kids love it. 
 We always go with my friend Robin and her family.  Here are all the kids riding the rides together.
 They love this ride called Flower Power.  It whips around the corners and they love that.
 Here is Evan having fun in the Kiddie area.  Next year I don't think he will be able to go on these rides as he is too big.
 They had a Justin Bieber tribute show and I thought Lauren would get a kick out of it.  Here is the Justin look a like slapping hands with Lauren.
 I love taking an overview shot when we are on the Sky Ride.
 All the kids on the Monkey Bounce.  They love this ride too.
 Lauren and Aubrey excited to ride the rides.
 We also spent some time at the Castaway Island water park.
 Evan went down the big slides.  He loves water parks.
 Plus they had Fireworks.  What a great day.

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