

Sunday, September 23, 2012

9/23/12: Apple Picking at Parlee Farms

Today we went apple picking at Parlee Farms in Tyngsboro.  Usually I plan a huge outing with 20-30 friends but this year I kept it more low key and just went as a family.
 It was crazy busy there!  So busy that they closed the farm down to new people entering at 1:45.  They were only picking Cortlands, Honey Crisp and Golden Delicious.  That was fine with us as we use Cortlands for our pies and Evan loves Golden Delicious.
 I like going there as one bag gets entry for the family to the field.  Then there are animals to feed, a hay maze, tractor ride, and hayride.  Plus they have a farm store with yummy donuts and ice cream.
Evan picking apples.
 Lauren picking some.
 Evan showing me his picked apples.  It was very humorous watching him try to eat an apple with two missing top teeth and one wiggly one.
 We decided to compare this one to the size of Lauren's head as it was so big.
 YUM!  Nothing is better than a nice crisp apple just picked from the tree.
 Enjoying the hayride.
 We went in the pumpkin patch.
 Lauren giving me a pose.
 So adorable.  I liked the different colored pumpkins.
 Evan riding the tractor.
 Lauren riding.
 Feeding the animals.
 Evan loves to feed the babies.
 So cute.
 What a great day and beautiful weather!

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