

Monday, September 24, 2012

9/24/12: Applegate Natural Products Giveaway

Over the weekend we went to the grocery store to do some shopping and the line for the deli was crazy long.  They were calling number 12 and we pulled number 49!  So we decided to try some pre-packaged deli meats.  This is very out of the ordinary for us as we don't generally buy pre-packaged deli meats but we decided to try some Applegate products.
First off was the Genoa Salami.  Keep in mind that my husband is Italian and grew up eating salami and cheese and loves it.  I am happy to say that he thought it was really good.  This says a lot.  I also had a sandwich with it and thought it tasted great and would have never guessed it wasn't cut fresh at the deli.  It had great flavor.
My best friend is a label reader.  Recently I was giving out some coupons I had to friends and she said no to most of them but when I got to Applegate products, she was happy to take coupons as she says she buys there products all the time.  Again this speaks volumes for the quality of these products. 
We also tried the Turkey Breast and again was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.
Here is some more information about Applegate:
For more than 25 years, Applegate has been producing high quality hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats with only natural ingredients. “Natural” can mean many things, but when you see it on the label of Applegate deli meats, you know the meat inside is guaranteed to be the real deal. Applegate deli meats are free of antibiotics and hormones; free of artificial ingredients or preservatives; and made from animals fed a vegetarian diet and treated humanely.
We also tried out the hot dogs which were really good too with no Nitrites.  The kids loved them and my son can be hard to please with hot dogs.

I was able to sample these products through Moms Meet

Find Applegate online at: 
Twitter: @Applegate

Here is how to enter to Win Vouchers for 3 Applegate Products
1 entry for each item:
Mandatory Entry:
- Tell me what your kids like best for lunch and if you have any tips on creative lunches.  (comment section at the bottom). Note if you are logging in anonymously please include your email so I can contact you.  Make sure you see comment posted.

Additional Entries Optional:
- Like Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog on Facebook and then comment here that you did.
- Subscribe to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (and verify the subscription to be valid) and leave a separate comment that you did.
- Already a subscriber (thank you) then leave a comment stating you are. - Share this link on your Facebook page and leave a comment here stating you did.
- Follow me on Twitter @galiberti If you already follow me, just leave a comment here that you are a Follower.
- Follow @Applegate on Twitter.  Then leave a comment here that you followed them.
- Tweet this Giveaway (you can do this daily): #Win delicious @Applegate Products from @galiberti #Giveaway 
- Subscribe via Google Friend Connect to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (on the Right hand side) and leave a comment that you did. Contest closes Thursday, October 4th, 2012.  US residents only.
Winner will be chosen by
Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms MeetSM program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms MeetSM blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product.


  1. My preschooler is very picky. Her lunches aren't very traditional. She won't eat sandwiches. I use a multi-slot container and try to vary it up each day. I always include a fruit and a veggie, a protein and a dairy. I use Pinterest to get cretive lunchbox ideas!

  2. I LIKE Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog on FB

  3. I am an email subscriber

  4. I am a twitter follower.

  5. I followed Applegate on twitter

  6. I tweeted about this giveaway! Thanks Gilda.

  7. My son loves pB&J - and I try to add veggies on the side and also using cookie cutters to make it more fun I can something get him to eat a cheese sandwich...picky eater

    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  8. I - Subscribe to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  9. I follow you on FB
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  10. I follow you on twitter @frugalohio44
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  11. I follow applegate on twitter
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  12. I tweeted
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  13. I follow via GFC
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  14. I tweeted about this giveaway!

  15. I tweeted:

  16. My preschooler loves Applegate Roasted Turkey with lots of mayo and with pickles.

  17. Daily tweet 9/26
    frugalohio at gmail dot com

  18. I tweeted today!

  19. follow you on twitter @parentalideas

  20. follow applegate on twitter @parentalideas

  21. Our favorite lunch is turkey, avocado and havarti with tomatoes on molasses bread.

  22. Tweeted about the giveawy again
