

Friday, June 14, 2013

6/14/13: Dance Recital 2013 - Lights, Camera, Action

Last weekend we had our Dance Recital.  Lauren did Jazz and Tap, Evan did Hip Hop and I did Tap.  Yes you did read that right, I did Tap.  I am in an adult class and despite every year me saying I am not doing the recital some how I end up doing it.  When else do you get that rush of going on stage?

 How cute do they look together?
 First Lauren did Tap.  I was excited to see her trying out Tap this year for the first time now that she is old enough to do it.
 They were called Oscar Winners and had trophies.  The theme was Lights, Camera, Action.
 They did so awesome!  I was so proud of her.
 Great job girls!
 Here is some video of their performance.
 Then Evan did his Hip Hop routine to The Men in Black.
They were so adorable!
Love it!  I was yelling for Evan when he was performing.
Then they put on sunglasses.  How adorable.

Here is video of The Men in Black.

Then Lauren did Jazz to Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot.  Hers was called Bikini Beach.
They came out from behind umbrellas.
There was a lot of shaking in this routine which Lauren loved.
So cute!
It is amazing the difference I see in the kids remembering their routines just in the few years.  This was Lauren's 4th recital and she is only 6!
Here she is with one of her best friends.
Here is video of her Jazz routine.
Then last but not least was me in my Tap routine.  We even had a guy in our routine with his daughter which was great.  It is so much fun taking my adult tap class.
Then Lauren got to walk the red carpet in the Finale.  She was so excited!
How cute are they?
What a great show and a wonderful job by all the dancers!  As always a wonderful job to all the teachers and staff at Ellen's School of Dance!

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