

Friday, June 14, 2013

6/14/13: Kindness Kingdom Review and Giveaway

Kids love games right?  What better way to teach them good manners than by playing a game.  Recently I received Kindness Kingdom from Marvelously Well-Mannered.  This is such a unique game in the fact that it teaches kids good manners but in a fun way.  As one of my lucky readers you have a chance to win a copy of the game below.
I knew that my daughter would like this game, however my son wanted to play too and had a great time.  Kids ages 5 and up take turns answering etiquette questions from eight areas including: home, powder room, dining room, sports, out and about, celebrations, school and communications. Questions include if you should hand out birthday invitations at school, good sportsmanship questions, and more.  A lot of these skills and questions you assume your child may know the answer to, but in many cases they may not know.  This is a fun way to teach them.  My kids really got in to it and even augmented their answers with examples of others that they know that may not do things correctly.
Then kids get "charms" to add to their bracelet to win.  The game makes it really fun for kids to go over these important life lessons that kids should know and we often overlook.  They had fun with the interaction and the different categories.  My son especially liked the sports and celebration questions.
I think these are great lessons and I was interested to see what my kids would do in certain social situations. It was refreshing to hear them pick answers that were appropriate and be kind to others.  I think it is a great tool for parents to see what their kids would do in certain situations and if it is the wrong answer explain why it might be wrong.
Here it is as packaged.  Of course little girls are drawn to this game, look at how pretty it looks.  Jessica Marventano, who is certified to teach manners and universal rules of etiquette to young children and teens by the International School of Protocol, came up with the idea for Kindness Kingdom. It is the first board game from parent company Marvelously Well-Mannered and is made in the USA. 

It is sold online at www. and at  Here is the game board.  Lots of bright colors and jewel shaped spots which my daughter loved.  I really think this is a wonderful game and one that you should play with your kids.
Win one by entering through the Rafflecopter below.
Disclosure:  I received this game for review purposes.  No other compensation has been received and all opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. what is your favorite thing to do?

  2. I would be interested in what they would have to say if asked if they wanted second helpings of a food they didn't like.

  3. Would you like to give grandma a kiss?

  4. I would like my son to always be mindful of people hungry overseas when he refuses to eat... not so much a question but my biggest challenge right now!

    by the way, the Anonymous Premium Minecraft Account comment is spam.

  5. Do you use say please and thank you when you're at the grandparents house for a sleepover?

  6. Why is it not okay to talk about other people in a bad way?
    Michelle Tucker

  7. would love to know the appropriate way to intterrupt...

  8. I'd like to hear them answer when they don't like someone else's food at a get together.
