

Saturday, June 15, 2013

6/15/13: Baton Show 2013

Today was Lauren's Baton Twirling show.  She did so well.  She was in two routines plus Finale.  Here she is with their State Championship routine.  Watching her brings back such great memories of when I twirled.  
The girls competed with this routine for the first time this year in a State Competition and won.  They did this routine to the song "Disney Parade".  We were so proud of them.  
 Then they did a Happy Birthday routine complete with balloons and horns.
 They were so cute.
 The horns really woke people up.
 Lauren has improved so much in twirling.  I am so proud of her.
 She is such a performer and never gets nervous before shows.  Here she is doing two baton as part of the routine.
 More with two batons.
 A little trick putting the baton in her leg while twirling the other one.
 In this routine they each got their own little solo part.
 Then they did the Finale routine with glow batons.
 All of the girls did an awesome job in the show.
 Here is Lauren getting her gift bag from her teacher.  It had a Twirling T-Shirt in it.  She was so excited and put it on over her dress on the way home.
 Here she is with her teacher Maureen Dunn.
 She was so excited about the bag.
 Look at that look of excitement over the shirt.
 Great job Lauren!!!!

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