

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6/27/13: The Butterfly Place

Today we went to the Butterfly Place for the first time in Westford, MA.  It is a really cute place where you can walk around in an indoor butterfly area.  I had bought a Groupon so watch out for deals to go there.  Here are the kids with a pretty blue butterfly sitting next to them.
 Here he is closer up.

Oh dear the kids turned in to butterflies!
Evan just had a full lesson at school on butterflies so he could tell me all about them.  We even bought a caterpillar to take home and watch him evolve in to a butterfly.
There were so many beautiful butterflies to check out.
But the highlight was Lauren having a butterfly land on her back.  She was so excited.  She really wanted one to land on her.
 This one was one of my favorites.
  The flowers were pretty too.

 Lauren with her buddy.  I think they liked her full butterfly outfit.  Butterfly shirt, skirt, earrings, and head band.
 So beautiful.
 Lauren found another friend.  
 I like this one too.
 Lovely detail
 So cool.
 Look at this huge moth!
 I highly recommend checking it out.
 Find them on Facebook here:

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