

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6/27/13: GymStreet USA Team Banquet

In Gymnastics the girls work hard all year and it is nice to have a night to celebrate, wear a pretty dress, dance and have fun.  GymStreet USA did a fabulous job again of putting on a wonderful Banquet for the girls.  Here she is with her Pre-Team friends.  
Lauren with her fancy drink ready for dinner. 
 Each of the girls got a new shiny leotard which they were very excited about.
Here is Lauren getting hers. 
She was very happy it was purple. 
Here she is with one of her Coaches. 
Here is her latest Gymnastics Picture.
Now it was time for dancing.   
One of the owners Charlie is in a band called the Common Ground 521.  The girls had fun singing with them and dancing to their music. 
So much fun dancing! 
I can't believe she danced the night away until 10 pm! 
 We are so proud to be part of the GymStreet USA family.

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