

Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/11/13: Conway Scenic Railroad Crawford Notch Train

I can't explain to you how much my son loves trains.  Next up in my series of posts about traveling to New Hampshire is the Conway Scenic Railroad Crawford Notch 5 hour train ride.  There is also an 11 mile, 55 minute Conway trip and a 1 hour and 45 minute Bartlett trip.  You can find all schedules on their website.  Plus Thomas the Tank Engine is on his way to North Conway and will be there on July 12th!  We love going to this event.  Check the events calendar.
 The kids were being funny popping out from some of the seats.  We were in First Class which had really nice seats that reclined.  They also brought you a small dish of cheese, crackers, and grapes for you to snack on and gave us a menu if you wanted to order drinks that would be delivered to you.  There is also a snack bar on the train that we got some ice cream at.
 Despite the comfort of First Class Evan wanted to head to the open air car and check out the sights.  This was perfect as you could get some beautiful pictures from this car.
Both kids checking out the sights.
Despite the fact it was misty when we left, the views were wonderful.  Seeing the clouds were so cool in the mountains.
 So awesome!  The views on this train were amazing.
 Evan was extremely excited.
 Love this one!
One of Evan's favorite parts of the train ride is watching the engine can sent to the other side.
 Here is the station at Crawford Notch.  The train ride is 2 hours to get to the station, then you have a one hour layover to get out and stretch your legs, then another 2 hours back to Conway.
 There is also some water there.
The kids absolutely loved the play area!
 This is the Appalachian Club Highland Center.  They have a cafeteria style place to eat there which we took advantage of.  The food was really good.
 The play area is a natural area for kids to climb and have fun.  My kids loved it here!

 Lauren climbing!
 I made it Mom!
 So beautiful!
 There is Evan.
 Lauren climbing.
 Wow they got up high!
 Back on the train.  Evan was at the window the whole time.
 The family.
Lauren was checking out the map we bought for her to see where we were and where we were going.
 The kids checking stuff out.
 We passed the Bartlett train on the way back.
 Here is the train!
I also wanted to share one picture I took when we took the Bartlett train last year.  It is my personal favorite and on the Conway Scenic Railroad Website.
 I highly recommend taking one of these train rides if you are visiting North Conway.
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Disclosure:  I received 4 tickets in exchange for this post.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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