

Thursday, July 11, 2013

7/11/13: Story Land Family Fun in Glen, NH

We have been going to Story Land in Glen, NH since my son was 1.  It is such a fun place to visit with small children.  The park is really intended for little ones.  My kids at 6 and 8 years old still enjoy it and look forward to going every year.  You can check out all my Story Land posts here
 We love taking a picture with Humpty Dumpty.  He could be one of my favorite characters to go visit.  He looks so happy. 
Then there is Humpty Dumpty on the wall.  Don't worry he won't fall.
Here was a picture when the kids were younger.
Of course you go there for the rides.  My kids have been riding the tractors since they were little.  It is always a favorite of theirs.
 The baby swans learning to be the Princess Swan.
 Here is Lauren rowing away on the Pirate Ship.  
 The Polar Coaster is a ride my kids have grown in to.  It is a roller coaster.  This year at the end of our day there was no line and we were able to ride it three times consecutively.  You can enter the park at 3 pm when the park closes at 6 and then use your tickets for one additional day.  I love this as we go in the first day and do all of our favorite rides.
 The Carousel which is unique as it turns clock-wise and the horses rock back and forth instead of going up and down.
 Every time we go to Story Land there is something new.  This year it was these cool digging vehicles.  Kids can control them to scoop up sand.  They are near the Farm Follies and Crazy Barn.
 Evan could have sat here forever playing on them.
 There are lots of characters to visit.  There are additional characters on certain days, check their schedule here.  Plus they have Character Dinners and Tea Time with Cinderella.  More information here.
There is a dance party the last half hour of the day at the entrance to the park.  This is a great time to go see Humpty, Duke or Cinderella.
 You must go up to the Castle and see Cinderella.
 Here is the horse and carriage to take you to the castle.
 Lauren excited to be in the Pumpkin.
 Cinderella, Cinderella!
 Lauren asked her if she always wears her glass slippers.  She is showing her here that she likes to wear these sparkly shoes that are great for dancing.
 Posing in the picture frame.
 You have to go visit with Mother Goose.
Lauren with the spider.
 Evan being silly.  This display is also new this year.
 Lauren acting sad that Humpty Dumpty is hurt and has band-aids on.
There are also shows to see.  You can see the whole list here.
 The Royal Hanneford Circus is there up near the tractors there is a tent.  Lauren loves the hula hoop lady.
 My favorite was the dog act.  I was wondering how they would replace last year's act Olate Dogs as it won on America's Got Talent.  Well they did well.  The monkey in this stage coach made me giggle.  
 I love his little western outfit.
 What balance!
The kids being silly.
 Last but not least there is a whole building with balls to play with and shoot out.  The kids love this area.  Here is Lauren making some ball angels.
 It was raining lightly and this is a perfect spot to duck in to and have fun.
This is what happens if you misbehave at Story Land.  There are so many fun picture spots.
Story Land really is picture perfect and some place you must visit.
Check them out on Facebook:
Follow them on Twitter:  @StoryLandNH
Disclosure: I received a family four pack of tickets for Story Land to promote it. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was received.

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