

Sunday, July 14, 2013

7/14/13: Kid'Sleep Moon Review

Any parent would love for their kids to wake up at the right time in the morning.  It seems like they always come in to your room so early and you have to keep telling them not yet.  I have a solution for you.  It is the Kid'Sleep Moon.  It is a great sleep training and time teaching products.
It is a great night light for kids too.  My kids can't go to sleep without the soft glow of something in their room so this is perfect.  I love the visual of day or night, plus the digital display of the clock.  If the sleeping animal is lit, kids know to stay in bed. When the awake animal is illuminated, it is okay to get out of bed and start the day. 
The Kid’Sleep Moon gives you the ability to set three times.  One for nighttime, nap and another one for weekend.  Plus 4 different alarm sounds.  My son really liked the train alarm and my daughter liked the bird chirping.  There are also lullabies to go to sleep to.
I think it is an adorable product and so easy to use.  It was easy enough that Lauren could set the time and alarm times.  With the visuals it is so easy for kids to know the right time for bed and to wake up.  Truly a great product for kids to learn sleep time and wake time. 
It also has a Smart Sunset “Go To Sleep” function and the Smart Moonset “Wake-Up Process”, which gives kids a 10 minute warning for sleep time and get up time!   In the morning, when the moon begins to set (adjustable duration), the child knows that it is almost time to get up! In the evening, when the sun starts to set (adjustable duration), the child knows it’s almost time to go to bed!
 Here is a short video of how it works:
It is perfect for kids learning time.  My daughter was also very excited in the morning when her alarm went off.  It was the perfect time to get up.
Here it is as packaged.  You can purchase it on the Kid'Sleep Moon website or on Amazon.

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Disclosure: I received this product for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

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