

Sunday, January 19, 2014

1/19/14: Gymnastics Exhibition Meet at GymStreet USA

Yesterday Lauren participated in an Exhibition Meet at GymStreet USA.  The whole experience simulated a Gymnastics Meet without the judges for the Pre-Team.  Lauren did awesome!
 Lauren was a bit nervous and wanted to get there early to practice. I started spotting her for front walkovers and back walkovers but soon she was doing them on her own. 
 Pretty impressive for a 6 year old.

 She wanted me to get her in flight.
 Hand stand time.
 Here they are marching in as they were introduced.
 Then they went to practicing and then "competing" each event.  Here she is on bars.
 Then it was time for beam.  She was very nervous about beam.  She was practicing her routine at home a lot.
 Then Floor Routine.
 She was so nervous about her bridge kick over, but she nailed it.
Here is some video of all the events.
 I love the little march to the next event.
 Last was Vault.

She did awesome!
 Awesome job!!!!
 Here she is getting her medal.
 Great job to all the kids in Pre-Team!

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