

Sunday, January 26, 2014

1/26/14: Latest Progress on Jenny Craig

You may have read my previous posts about going back to Jenny Craig to be happy about myself again and set a good example for my kids.  I am now happy to report I am down 21 pounds* in two months.  But even better, I am down 14 inches!!!  They gave me this ribbon to show how many inches I have lost off my body.  I still have about 30 pounds to go, but this is a great start.
Some changes in my attitude about losing weight this time is that I am taking in one day at a time.  In the past I was always worried if I made a bad choice I would give up for a day.  Then a day would turn in to a week, then a week would turn in to two weeks, then a month, then more.  This is the exact problem that got me in to the situation I am in today.  I also changed my expectations of myself on exercising.  I know my body is not what it used to be and I need to be patient to build back up to where I was in the past.  I did add strength training this week but started with less weight than I have done in the past.  I felt good, didn't injure myself, and felt accomplished.  
I am constantly evolving but the old Gilda is hiding inside and can't wait to be back.
Check out what programs they have on their website. Don't wait another day!
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Disclosure:  I was given a 50% discount on my food for review purposes.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
*Note:  Members following the Jenny Craig program, on average, lose 1-2 lbs per week


  1. Great job Gilda - keep up the good work one day at a time!

  2. I love this post and your new attitude of focusing on just one day! Our bodies do change and if we have to do things differently to meet our goals. Good luck!
