

Sunday, July 20, 2014

7/20/14: Being Part of the Story at Story Land

One of my favorite amusement parks is Story Land in Glen, NH.  I love that it is more than just a bunch of rides.  You get to feel like you are a part of fairy tales.  It is great for young kids and mine at 7 and 9 still love it.  With the addition of a really cool wooden roller coaster this year I think the kids who are on the brink of getting too old for it may still want to go.  You can check out all my Story Land posts here
 At the end of the day about 30 minutes before park closing all of the characters come out for a little show.  This is a perfect photo opportunity.  I love this Humpty Dumpty.
Right as you enter the park there is a Humpty Dumpty on the wall.  Don't worry he won't fall.  Evan is holding on to him so that he doesn't fall off the wall.
Here was a picture when the kids were younger.
Love this, as you enter the storybook world.
There is a new area for Mother Goose.  This used to be the ball pit area.
I am going to start with their newest attraction Roar-O-Saurus!  This wooden roller coaster is for anyone over 42 inches.  You can see all attractions here.
I love the Dinosaur theming.  There are Dinos as you enter and there are little signs all around with letters and a corresponding dinosaur so you can learn some facts in the line.
I personally love wooden roller coasters so I was thrilled when they built this.  Here you can see it going up.
Almost to the top.
Off they go!
Here you can see the Dino on the front.
Here is another great view.  We loved it!  We went on twice and the kids had a blast.
There are plenty of other rides to go on.  We love the Crazy Barn.
Another favorite is the Polar Coaster.  The kids always make sure to ride this multiple times.
 Here is Evan on Splash Battle: Pharaoh's Reign.  You get really wet on this.  You shoot water out at others and they shoot back.  Evan decided to wear a rain poncho on it.
 Here you can see both kids spraying.  What a great place to cool off.
The tractors are lots of fun.  It is great because little kids can drive.
 The Antique Cars are tons of fun.
 Make sure you get your license though before you ride the Antique Cars.  Both Evan and Lauren got theirs.
 When the kids were there getting their licenses the Cat in the Hat was getting his too.
Then the kids got a picture with him.
We also love the little swan boats.  You get to drive them around in the water.
 Here is Lauren acting like a monkey in the cage on the Slipshod Safari Tour.
 You must ride on the antique carousel.  It is only one of two anywhere.  It goes clock-wise unlike other carousels.  Plus the horses rock back and forth and not up and down.
 There are lots of characters to see.  There are additional characters on certain days, check their schedule here.  Plus they have Character Dinners and Tea Time with Cinderella.  More information here.

Little Bo Peep
Plus even Rapunzel!
Here is a dance party at the entrance to the park.
 You must go up to the Castle and see Cinderella.
 Here is the horse and carriage to take you to the castle.
 Cinderella, Cinderella!
 Lauren was excited as Cinderella had on a pair of earrings that she has.
 There are also lots of fun shows.  We went to the Magic show and Lauren got picked to be in it.  She was thrilled.
She got to do some cool tricks.
Ta da!
 At the end the Magician turned Lauren in to a Rabbit.  She said she was the most nervous about this.
Here is some video of the show with Lauren's part.

There are so many adorable places to pose for pictures.

This cracks me up.  I love Evan peeking out.
 Watch out Lauren as you eat your curds and whey!

Silly kids.

 Lauren watch out again!
Lauren keeps getting herself in to sticky situations.
 Hi Humpty Lauren!
 Now she is in my pie!
 The kids with Tim the Tree.  Here you can write your name on a leaf and hang it on the wall.
 There is a super cute play area.
This is what happens if you misbehave at Story Land.  There are so many fun picture spots.
You can enter the park at 3 pm when the park closes at 6 and then use your tickets for one additional day.  I love this as we go in the first day and do all of our favorite rides.
Story Land really is picture perfect and some place you must visit.
Check them out on Facebook:
Follow them on Twitter:  @StoryLandNH
Disclosure: I received a family four pack of tickets for Story Land to promote it. All opinions are my own and no other compensation was received.

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