

Friday, July 25, 2014

7/25/14: Dance Camp Fun

Over the summer is a great time to go to fun camps and try new things.  Lauren has been dancing since she was 2 but this week was the first time she got to go to Dance Camp.  Today was the final day of a week of Dance Camp.  Not only did the kids get to go to the Boston Ballet today but they put on a little performance.
Over the course of the week they did Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Lyrical, and Hip Hop.  Lauren has been doing Jazz, Tap and Ballet but Lyrical and Hip Hop were new to her.  Mostly because at her school she is still too young at 7 to take these styles.  I was very impressed that the kids performed all styles today!  Here was Jazz.
Love the face in this one.
They seemed to focus on the facial expressions this week.
Ballet was adorable.  They brought their costumes from the recital.
Lauren loves ballet and had showed me some of this routine.
This was her Tap routine.
I love these black and white ones my son took with my iPhone.
She is such a performer.
This was Lyrical which was Lauren's favorite dance style.  I think it is because she had never done it before.
This was Hip Hop which all the girls and boys did together.
They also sang Let It Go which was super cute.
Lauren loves singing so she loved this.
Lauren had so much fun and also learned a lot this week at Ellen's School of Dance.
Here is some video:
Then tonight they had a sleepover.  This is Lauren's first time ever sleeping over some where.
 She was so excited when she entered the Dance School.  It was decorated so cool and she had spent the week with all the girls she was sleeping over with.
 Without a bat of an eye she was off and having fun hula hooping.  I am a bit sad that she is growing up, but happy she is having fun and getting so independent.

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