

Sunday, April 19, 2015

4/19/14: Lauren's Birthday Party at Ellens School of Dance

Lauren's birthday was April 13th but today we had her party with her friends at her dance school, Ellens School of Dance.  Lauren decided to have a Peace Sign theme and it was super cute.
Here is Lauren ready for her friends to arrive.
Here she is posing with the Peace Sign cake I made.
Here are all the kids at the party.
Here is Lauren with all the teachers and assistants that helped out at her party.  She is on the competition team at Ellens School of Dance so she has got to know many of these girls well.
They did an awesome job setting up.  It looked so fantastic!
Love this sign, it matched her outfit so well.
I love all the streamers in the big room.  This is her third party at her dance school and they always do a wonderful job.
 There was even a room set up with dress up for a Fashion Show.
Lauren checking out all of the cool dress up outfits.
Excited as her friends started showing up.
The kids all dancing and having fun.
Doing some line dances.
Limbo time.
A game like musical chairs but with hula hoops.
Nail station.
Lauren showing me her cool nails.
Pizza time.
Cake time!
Big smiles while everyone was singing to her.
Making a wish and blowing out her candles.
Another view of my cake.  It is tie dyed pink, purple and green inside.
 Lauren singing Karaoke to Call Me Maybe.
She did really well singing.
A bit of a conga line.
Making a silly face during picture time.
Cotton Eye Joe.
Leading the girls.
Hula hoop competition time.
They all had so much fun.
Lauren with her friend and little brother and Evan.
Evan and Lauren.
Lauren with Nana and Papa.
Opening presents.  
What a great day, Happy 8th Birthday Lauren!

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