

Saturday, May 2, 2015

5/2/15: Lauren's First Communion

Today was Lauren's First Communion and it was an absolutely glorious day.  The weather was absolutely perfect.  After the terrible winter we have had it was nice to have a beautiful spring day.
Here she is with all of the kids that received First Communion today.  This was one of four sessions they will have with all of the classes.
Here she is with the Priest after the ceremony.
Here is a family picture.
Lauren inside the church.  She is wearing the same veil I wore when I received my First Communion.
Lauren with Evan and a couple of her cousins.
At the entrance to the church.
Our tree in the yard was blooming so we had to take a picture in front of it.
I love this picture with Fred our Shetland Sheepdog.  He is such a sweetie.
Hugs from Lauren.
Lauren outside enjoying the weather.
Then we came in to have some food and the cake I made.  
The cake has silver leaves on it that were on my First Communion cake and also the dove is from my cake.
Here is Lauren with the cake.
A little closer.
I had a little cross candle so we lit it so she could blow it out.
Happy First Communion to you!
God Bless You Lauren!

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