

Friday, June 11, 2010

6/11/10: Last Day of Pre-School for Evan Ever

It is happy and sad at the same time - Evan's last day of Pre-school. I can hardly believe it! It feels like just yesterday he was starting school. Here is the post from his first day ever of school. My little man is growing up so fast. I wish I could freeze time. I know Kindergarten will be a great experience and he will have so much fun, but it brings a tear too. Luckily Lauren will be going to the same Pre-School so we will be there for another two years. All of his school posts are here. On the last day they got to wear their PJs and eat pancakes. Yum!
Here is a card we made for his teacher.
Congrats to the Graduates! We have Graduation next week, I am bringing lots of tissues for that.
Evan waiting to come out.
Last day is over!

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