

Sunday, June 6, 2010

6/6/10: Gymnastic Show

Today was Evan and Lauren's Gymnastics show at GymStreet USA. They had such a good time and did awesome for their first show ever. They even got medals which they were very excited about. Evan did a routine and then a set of different things on equipment and Lauren's team went out in between many of the routines and displayed what they are learning. We are so proud of the job they did! There is some video also below of the great job they did.

Here is some video of them being introduced:

Evan excited with us all cheering him on.

Here is some video of his routine:

Lauren ready to run and jump up.
Some video of her running and jumping to flip:

Evan doing a front roll. Video of him on the equipment

Evan happy his routine is done and getting all the applause.
Lauren excited she is done too and waving to Mommy and Daddy.Lauren on the bar flipping around. It is hard to believe this was her when she started. Some video of her on the bar:

Some more video of her doing her front rolls:

And bouncing on the trampoline (which she loves):

Proud Mommy and Daddy with their true GymStars!

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