

Friday, June 4, 2010

6/4/10: Evan and Lauren - How Quickly They Have Grown

In honor of Lauren's 3rd Birthday and Evan's 5th Birthday I thought I would recap the years of these two sweet kids. It is amazing how fast the time has gone. It feels like just yesterday Evan was a baby. Actually it feels like I was pregnant with him not long ago at all. I can't believe that baby will start school next year. My other baby Lauren is getting so big now too. It all is going so fast. There are links within this post to previous birthdays.
Here is Evan at 2 and Lauren at 2 weeks.
Them in April of this year. They really love each other:
Lauren's 3rd Birthday recap:
Lauren at 3 days old:
3 months old:
1 Year Old:
2 Years Old:
Now at 3 Years Old - a little girl who does Dance, Swim, and Team for Gymnastics:
Evan's 5th Birthday Party recap.
Evan's actual birthday - Party at Daycare:
Party at school:
Evan just born:
3 Months Old:
1 Year Old:
2 Years Old:
3 Years Old:
4 Years Old:
And now a 5 Years Old boy who plays Soccer, Swims, Ice Skates, does Gymnastics, and T-ball :

We are looking forward to lots more exciting things from these two. Can't wait to see what the next 5 years will bring.

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