Friday, November 28, 2008
11/28/08: Edaville Railroad Christmas Lights
We had a great time as always at Edaville Railroad to see the Christmas lights and ride the rides. We went with our friends Robin,Greg and their two girls Haley and Aubrey. The kids had a great time. Here we are on the train.
Evan enjoying the scenery on the train ride.
Look Daddy, lights!
Evan, Aubrey and Haley on the Caterpillar ride.
11/27/08: Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for. Here are the kids in front of our Christmas tree.
The kids got their own kiddie table (this used to be Mommy's as a kid). Evan got to tell us what he was thankful for. Nana and Papa, Mommy, Daddy, Lauren and Fred, and Nonna and Nonno.
Checking out the tree at Nana and Papa's house.

Monday, November 24, 2008
11/24/08: Things I learned over the weekend
First off, some things I learned or realized again this weekend:
1. I actually have a Living Room floor. I barely ever see it due to all the toys but after the major clean up we did over the weekend and new rules of 1 toy at a time I can see the floor again.
2. We have enough toys to open a Toys R Us...well maybe only a KB Toys, but still, a lot, which John keeps reminding me as you look to the next picture and see the presents under the tree.
3. I love having the Christmas tree up - well I didn't learn this over the weekend, but still.
4. I stink at wrapping presents! Again didn't learn it over the weekend, but realized it again. Also realized Santa doesn't wrap any better than me (hee, hee, he is me!).
5. I also cannot make sugar cookies to save my life. I can bake a cake and decorate it to look like a Princess Castle or Mickey Mouse, but a simple sugar cookie, forget it!
My floor!

Our tree with presents underneath it. Not too many left to buy.

We have been busy as always. Last week we went to see Wall-E at the Wilmington Library, then Music time at the Billerica library on Friday. Today we went to Music Time at the Wilmington library and here we are over the weekend at my friend's Green School's Community Fair. Check out her website.

We also have family photos and cute pictures of the kids that I will share once I get my Christmas cards out. Don't want to take away from the card by posting them.
Well there you have it, you are all caught up. I am sure you missed me not posting in a week. :-)
Monday, November 17, 2008
11/17/08: Pretty in Pink
Lauren striking a pose in her new jacket. She especially likes the matching hat.
Such a pretty girl.
Here is Lauren looking like an Eskimo trying on all of her winter warm outerwear.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
11/9/08: Acton Children's and Science Museum
We had a great time today at the Children's Museum and Science Museum in Acton. Dropping the balls down the tubes was Lauren's favorite part.

The kids serving Mommy and Daddy lunch.

Lauren also loved this black bear and gave it a lot of hugs.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
11/8/09: T-Ball Fun and a Bowling Birthday Party
Today Evan had his first day in his T-Ball league. He had a great time and did a lot of running and hitting.
Friday, November 7, 2008
11/7/08: Going to see Santa and an 18 mth checkup
I decided to take the kids to see Santa before the rush to get pictures with Santa and the long lines. I learned my lesson after I waited almost an hour the first year with Evan. Well no line which was great, however despite the fact that I knew Lauren was acting off I took them. This plan backfired. Lauren wanted nothing to do with Santa. Evan loved him though. Hence I am in the picture with Lauren.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
11/2/08: Playhouse Disney Live
Today we went to Playhouse Disney Live. It was a great show. It had the cast of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Evan's favorite show), Handy Manny, Winnie the Pooh, and Little Einsteins. Here are Lauren and Evan ready to go to the show. We bought these tickets 5 months ago so they had to wait a long time for the show, but it was worth it.

Here are all the characters from the show in their Music Party.

And Mommy with Lauren and Evan.

Lauren and Evan enjoying the show. Evan held on to Minnie and Mickey the whole time and kept asking for Mickey.

The Mouse himself. Worth the price of admission to see the look on Evan's face when he saw Mickey.

All the characters again.

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