Today was my In Home Disney Celebration. As I posted before Disney selected me as part of the Disney Mom's Club to host this party and the theme was around giving back to the community with a box of Disney stuff they provided. The kids had a fun time (so did the adults) and donated a lot to help a family in need who just had a fire. I am very appreciative of such wonderful friends and the generosity of everyone.
We had a great time playing Disney Bingo, played Disney Trivia, watched the Disney video, listened to Disney music, ate yummy cupcakes, and shared great Disney tips. We even decorated with lots of Disney characters all around the room. And everyone went home with a Disney gift bag and Disney Princess print to hang in their room.

This is all the stuff that was donated to my daycare provider who's house just had a major fire. There were toys, puzzles, sheets, blankets, crayons, wipes, towels, hand cleaners, dolls, dress up clothes, DVDs, gift certificates, a check, etc.

The kids having fun playing Disney Bingo.