As anyone knows with kids, weekends are not for relaxing but for running around and going to parties, Zoos, Farms, Amusement Parks, etc. Along those lines, our weekend was filled with 2 birthday parties, a trip to the Zoo and a Bat Mitzvah. Here we are as our start to the weekend festivities at a Bat Mitzvah for John's cousin. Here are the kids with Ava (John's cousin's little girl).
Ok, the interesting part of this party is that all the kids were seated together at one table. This is what happens when there is no adult supervision.
And Lauren loving the sorbet. Mommy had to sit at the kids table (since there was no way I was letting a 2 and a 4 year old sit by themselves to eat) and explain to little ones what Sorbet was. I would not even try to go over the whole cleansing the pallet idea with them.
Then we rushed off to get to Tanya's Tinkerbell 4th birthday.