On Monday I got the call that no one wants to ever get. My Mom called to say that her sister, my Auntie Alice called her and that she said "Help me Gilda, I think I'm dying, I can't breathe". Like a flash my Dad headed over and got my Uncle and rushed to the house. My Dad performed CPR but it was too late. We wouldn't learn this till hours later when my Dad returned home shaking his head saying "she was gone". I was in disbelief. I rushed out of work and ran home to pick up the holiday pictures we had just taken over the weekend thinking I would take them to the hospital as she always enjoyed pictures of the kids. It was too late. I had just spoken with her and she had talked of the beautiful Christmas dress she bought Lauren and how excited she was to give it to her. My Uncle will still bring that dress and every time Lauren wears it I will have a smile and tear in my eye.
I was very close to my Auntie growing up. She was my God Mother, Auntie and also a second mother to me. Having 3 boys she always told me I was the daughter she never had. She came to all my Dance Recitals and Baton shows, Graduations, special events, came out for our lunch on the first day of school, and took me Christmas shopping ever year around this time and helped me pick out just the right gift for my parents. We spent many nights at her house watching movies, talking and hanging out, and went to many family parties at her house. It was her house that I drove to first the day I got into my first car accident.
As I went through the wake and funeral in a daze it is still so hard to believe. Even as I went up to the casket and kissed my hand and placed it on her it was hard to grasp she was gone. She was not in good health but my memories of her were when she was young and spry. She wore the same dress to be buried as she wore to my wedding and as Ave Maria played in the church today (the same song she walked down the aisle at my Wedding to) at the Funeral as we walked behind the casket tears welled up in my eyes. As I spoke my reading trying to ensure I did not trip over the first sentence which contained Thessalonians I just thought of her looking down at me saying Gilda Joy you are doing good (because my Mom was also Gilda my family always called me by my 1st and middle name). I hope I made her proud.
Here are my God Parents with me in preparation for my wedding day.

And at the reception.

At my baby shower.

With Evan when he was born.

With Lauren.

So at this wonderful time of year. Make sure you give an extra hug and a kiss to all of your loved ones and friends and remember what the season is truly about. Some times we get so caught up in the gifts and everything else we forget the reason for the season is to be with family and friends.
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