If you found my blog you found my blog through the Ultimate Blog Party 2011 hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom, WELCOME!
I have recently started being active on Twitter and that is how I found this Blog Party.

I love to blog and have been doing it now for 3 years. Actually my first blog post was on April 28th, 2008 so I am coming up to my blogger anniversary soon. It started as a way to share pictures with family and friends and has grown to much more. I now have posted lots of helpful reviews on playspaces, museum, and shows using my Flip Video camera. In addition I have promoted Disney on Ice, The Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus, and held a Disney in-home celebration which was awesome. I was able to help give back to the community by having people bring supplies for my daycare provider who had a house fire to rebuild her business. I also just got involved in promotions for KinderCare and are hoping to expand as much as I can.
We are a busy family with activities and fun things to do in and around the Boston area. My daughter dances, twirls baton, is on a Team for Gymnastics, and swims and my son plays Soccer (my husband coaches), swims, plays basketball, and ice skates. I am big in to scrapbooking, love to take pictures of the kids, cake decorate, and LOVE DISNEY!

I hope you will follow me and my adventures. Thanks!
I am in from the UBP, glad to meet you. Boston is nice, visited once when I lived in CT...now I am in Ohio.
Your info about kids events sounds amazing! I run a site that is similar...sort of, Macaroni Kid. Glad to meet you!
@breebees, www.breebee.com
I am stopping by from the Blog Party. I also love to scrapbook and decorate wedding cakes.
Following you as part of the UBP 2011. Please stop by to visit our blog - http://yoursfaithfully.ca/blog/?p=203. And most of all - have fun at the party!
Looks like you have a great blog started here. I am following from #UBP11 Please feel free to come visit www.thatshakerofsalt.com
That's a whirlwind of a journey from just starting a short time ago, good for you!
thanks for coming by my blog and commenting on my UBP11 party post.
Shasher's Life
Hey! Nice to meet you! I'm visiting from the blog party!
Knitting blog party post
Book Review Party Post
SO glad I stopped in from #UBP11! Nice to meet you. Added you to my RSS too!
Hi, following you now. I'm from the UBP11 Party! Wonderful family, Wonderful Blog! very nice meeting you!
You have a wonderful blog and a beautiful family! I think it's wonderful that you do so much to give back to the community. That's definitely something we need to work on!
Hi, thanks so much for stopping by my corner of the world! I didn't too well in math but I did AWESOME in archery. Seriously... I've had too much wine now.
Will definitely be following your blog! Cheers!
Stopping by from the UBP! I hope you are enjoying yourself : )
Following you back :)
New follower through google connect!
Thanks for following my blog! Sounds like you've got a bunch of great stuff going on over here!
Nice to meet you! I love Disney too though living in Canada means I don't get to go there nearly as much as I would like. I have a little guy named Evan too. :)
Merry from Merry with Children
Hey stopping by from twitter. Nice to meet you. It must be nice to have a local group of bloggers. I used to decorate cakes until I had more kids, now I just eat them.
Following blog and FB - I think! Not sure if it worked!
I'm so glad I found your blog! I love to scrapbook, decorate cakes, and Disney as well! I love forward to reading more from you!
Hi "Jillda". I saw your tweet and took note of the pronunciation. Thought I would take a look around here too. :) Come visit Not Quite Dead Yet when you have some time. Thanks! #UBP11
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
You have such a cute family!
I'm starting to feel a little left out...I have no idea what my bloggy anniversary is, because I deleted my original blog and restarted a few years ago on a different host site. :-)
Happy UBP11-ing!
Thanks for commenting about my "Dear Daddy" post! I'm now following you too!
First, I LOVE the picture of your daughter with the flower!!! That is absolutely adorable!! Second, I am a Disney fanatic too! I can never get enough of it!
Glad I found your blog, I look forward to reading more!
Hi! I am new to the UBP this year, and I am so glad that I found your blog. Your family is adorable!
I SO love Disney!!
I am so happy to have found your blog. I am stopping in from the Ultimate Blog Party and this is my very first year participating and this is SO VERY exciting!! LOL
Anyhow...please stop by my blogs and follow whenever you get the opportunity:
So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com
And...Jessica Lil Corner is where I am blogging about family and life at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com
I welcome your visit at either or both of my blogs and hope to have you stop by and follow really soon!!
Have a very blessed day!! :0)
Cool that you are in Boston. One of my very good friends just moved there. She's a blogger too and involved with Boston Parent Bloggers so you might know her, she's over at www.adventuresinparenting.me
I'm just stopping by from UBP. I blog about early literacy so you might find some good things for your kids if you want to stop by!
hopping over from UBP11 and Twitter <3 Happy almost blog anni! Love that your beautiful children are so active. :) xoxo
Thank you so much for stopping by my little neck of the bloggy woods. You have a wonderful blog and a darling family. Your kiddos are total cuties. Hope you are enjoying the UBP11 party. Lots of blogs to read but lots of new friends to make. I'm your newest follower. Enjoy!
hi there, stopping by on the last day of the UBP11! Can't wwait to check out your blog! Your pictures are great! Such cute kids!
feel free a to check out my blog and enter our giveaway too!
Congrats on your upcoming blogiversary! You have a beautiful family. Im now following you from UBP 11, I'm glad I stopped by as it is great to "meet" you! Please stop by and say hi if you have a chance! http://www.flipflopmama.com/2011/03/ultimate-blog-party-2011.html
Cute pics - I am due with a girl in July and can't wait to buy girly clothes!
Nice to ‘meet’ you!
Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
Hope you’ll visit my party: http://momandmore.com/2011/04/2011-ultimate-blog-party-welcome-to-mom-and-more.html
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