Contest Closed: Congratulations Missy for winning!
My kids love to do crafts. We have been doing crafts since they were little so they get really excited every time I bring out the craft box and they get to make something creative. One of my favorite companies for high quality craft products is Creativity for Kids Faber-Castell. Read on and you could win one of these great crafts!
My kids love to do crafts. We have been doing crafts since they were little so they get really excited every time I bring out the craft box and they get to make something creative. One of my favorite companies for high quality craft products is Creativity for Kids Faber-Castell. Read on and you could win one of these great crafts!
One of my favorite things about Creativity for Kids is that they cater to boys with crafts too. In fact they have a whole Boy Zone on their website. My son absolutely loves any type of vehicle and I can't tell you how excited he was to receive these Monster Trucks to paint and decorate.
What little boy wouldn't love these! This is what the set came with. This set is only $19.99.
Evan had such a wonderful time painting these.
Here is the finished product.
I was fortunate enough to meet one of the founders of Creativity for Kids when I was at Toy Fair. I met Phyllis and it was inspiring to hear that she was a Mom just like me who was so busy at work and started this company with Evelyn from the ground up just by seeing a need. She was so lovely to talk to and showcased all of their products.
We have been creating using these products for a long time. We had created the Halloween Shrinky Dink Tree craft in 2009 and we put it out every year as a decoration. Who didn't love Shrinky Dinks as a kid? Creativity for Kids has a whole new line of items with Shrinky Dinks. The kids love them.
Here are some of the other wonderful crafts I saw at Toy Fair.

Here are some of the other wonderful crafts I saw at Toy Fair.
So many great crafts that turn in to great toys, decorations, or jewelry!
The other item I received was the Pop Art Necklace.
Here is what is included. The Bottle Cap looking pieces are made of plastic and totally safe for kids to create with. The kids loved them.
Lauren had such a wonderful time creating her necklaces. You can also create bracelets and key chains.
Here is a closer view of the bottle cap with the pop piece over it.
Lauren stringing her beads. With these you can either color in one of the inserts or use one that is already colored. You could also put a picture in or anything you create on your own.
Of course Evan wanted to make necklaces too.
Here they both are with their 3 creations.
Feel free to Like them on Facebook here:
Follow them on Twitter here: @Creativity4Kids
Here is how to enter to Win either the Monster Truck Craft or Pop Necklace Craft
1 entry for each item:
Mandatory Entry:
- Tell me what your kids favorite craft to do is. (comment section at the bottom). Note if you are logging in anonymously please include your email so I can contact you. Make sure you see comment posted.
Additional Entries Optional:
- Like Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog on Facebook and then comment here that you did.
- Like Creativity for Kids on Facebook and then comment here that you did.
- Like Creativity for Kids on Facebook and then comment here that you did.
- Subscribe to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (and verify the subscription to be valid) and leave a separate comment that you did.
- Share this link on your Facebook page and leave a comment here stating you did.
- Follow me on Twitter @galiberti If you already follow me, just leave a comment here that you are a Follower.
- Follow @Creativity4Kids on Twitter. Then leave a comment here that you followed them.
- Follow @Creativity4Kids on Twitter. Then leave a comment here that you followed them.
- Tweet this Giveaway (you can do this daily): #Win a Monster Truck or Pop Necklace craft from @Creativity4Kids and @galiberti #Giveaway
- Subscribe via Google Friend Connect to Evan and Lauren's Cool Blog (on the Right hand side) and leave a comment that you did.Contest closes Friday, August 10th, 2012. US residents only.
- Already a subscriber (thank you) then leave a comment stating you are.
- Already a subscriber (thank you) then leave a comment stating you are.
Winner will be chosen by
Disclosure: I received the Monster Truck and Pop Necklace crafts from Creativity for Kids Faber-Castell for review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
My kids love pretty much any craft, but drawing and painting are definitely favorites.
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I also like Creativity for Kids on facebook.
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And I'm following Creativity for Kids on twitter.
My daughter loves crafting anything, but especially anything with paint.
frugalmommy99 at yahoo dot com
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I tweeted about this giveaway!
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Hands down my kids love painting the most!
I like E&L's Cool Blog on Facebook.
Ilike Creativity Kids on FB!
My kids are happy when you give them some blank paper, crayons and scissors.
I like your page on facebook
I follow Creativity for Kids on Twitter @JulsB20
My children love to pain. They will paint everything under the sun for hours on end.
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We always keep a supply of construction paper on hand because they like to make paper dolls and snowflakes.
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my kids love to use construction paper and glue for crafts or painting and making cards
tcogbill at live dot com
i follow creativity for kids on twitter- katychick123
tcogbill at live dot com
We love doing crafts that can be given as gifts.. picture frames, wall art, magnets, etc.
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
I am a facebook fan of Creativity for Kids (Marysa N).
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I follow Creativity for Kids on Twitter (Marysa1)
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Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
My kids love art projects and things that can be assembled - painting too!
I like your facebook page
I liked Creativity on fb and left them a message thanking them for your giveaway here --->
We love crafts as well. Our favorite craft is making Christmas ornaments!
I LOVE to scrapbook!
Jess McCarthy
I follow your blog on GFC under jdjmcc. Jess mcCarthy
I like your blog on FB!
Jess McCarthy
I like Creativity for Kids on FB! Jess McCarthy
saw you on FB and I LOVE Creativity for Kids-we like to make a lot of things--mostly they are a lil girly so I'd really like the monster truck!!!
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already liked Creativity for Kids on FB
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my kids like crafting with jems any thing sparkle REALLY
My kids love to paint on paper.
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
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I follow Creativity for Kids on Twitter. I’m mlynnh8
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC. I’m Missy Lynnh
mlynnh5 at gmail dot com
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