The outbreak of flu this year has been all over the news. I am happy to say that Vicks has teamed up with the charity Baby Buggy, founded by Jessica Seinfeld to provide $25,000 worth of cold and flu products to U.S. families. For every email, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest "Share" of Vicks Cold & Flu Survival Guide from pediatrician and American Academy of Pediatrics fellow Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg, Vicks will donate a Vicks® Behind Ear Thermometer and Starry Night Humidifier to the non-profit.
I am giving you a chance to win the Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer (a $50 value) here on my blog.
The outbreak of flu this year has been all over the news. I am happy to say that Vicks has teamed up with the charity Baby Buggy, founded by Jessica Seinfeld to provide $25,000 worth of cold and flu products to U.S. families. For every email, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest "Share" of Vicks Cold & Flu Survival Guide from pediatrician and American Academy of Pediatrics fellow Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg, Vicks will donate a Vicks® Behind Ear Thermometer and Starry Night Humidifier to the non-profit.
I am giving you a chance to win the Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer (a $50 value) here on my blog.
We own this thermometer and love it. I personally love that it lights up Green if your child has no fever, yellow that their temperature is slightly elevated and red if they have a fever. It is a great visual when you are in a panic that your child might be sick. Plus in the middle of the night when you don't want to turn the light on to bother them you can easily take their temperature behind their ear as there sleeping.
Here is a quick video on it.
We also own the Vicks Starry Night Humidifier as my daughter has times at night where she coughs continually. The Starry Night Humidifier is great for her and she loves the projected stars on her ceiling. If you participate in the sharing of the Cold and Flu Survival Guide you can also enter to win a Vicks Starry Night Humidifier here.
Check out for more details.
In addition to thermometers, they have additional products that are a necessity during the winter months including: humidifiers, vaporizers, and humidity monitors.
Disclosure: I was provided with the Vicks thermometer for giveaway purposes. The Vicks products I own were provided to me from an event I previously attended with Vicks. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Our home remedy? rest, and lots of it, when the girls stay home from school, its on the couch with pillows and blankets. Also a spoon of honey and tea seems to help a bit. :O)
Tea with lemon and honey :)
Thanks for the chance Gilda!
Rest rest rest
Lots of rest and chicken soup ;)
Lot's of fluid's and plenty of rest with a bubble bath!
Lots of fluids and rest, if they are really congested at night, I rub their feet with Vicks Baby and then put on socks.
for bad coughs a little square of dark chocolate :)
chicken soup
Honey helps with coughs.
Tea with honey and milk :)
or warmed up milk with honey
Lots of rest & water
Lots of rest fluids and chicken soup.
Lots of rest, fluids, and hand washing.
Lots of rest, fluids, and hand washing.
neti pots work wonders for congestion!
Homemade chicken soup from scratch is the cure all in this house!
Vicks on your chest and then some hot lemonade with honey.
We keep the humidifiers going in the bedrooms, drink lots of fluids and take a steamy bath or shower to loosen mucous.
We keep the humidifiers going in the bedrooms, drink lots of fluids and take a steamy bath or shower to loosen mucous.
chicken soup and honey!
Plenty of rest, vitamin C and a stack of good magazines! :)
Fluids and rest!
Homemade chicken noodle soup...
rest and chicken soup with pepper. Tea with honey. Popcicles for the kids.
We always use vapor rub and chicken noodle soup for meals.
Warm Vernors, Vick's on the neck and good old fashioned chicken noodle soup. Sometimes we have to resort to Nyquil at night.
Lots of sleep!
For adults, I swear by the hot toddy.
My best remedy is lots of sleep.
Take elderberry for the flu. It used to be an active ingredient in tamiflu.
We take lots of vitamin C and Emergen-C. Also lots of sleep and chicken noodle soup :)
Dont try to rush too quickly on getting better
Lots of rest and ice water
ssgsweeps @hotmail. com
Vitamin C, Rest, lots of handwashing & washing all toys/bedding to get rid of the germs!
boiling water with lemon and honey
Warm milk with pepper and lots of rest
Lots of hand washes and lots of chewable vitamins.
Lots of vitamins, rest, fluid and hand sanitizer!
I usually drink alot of orange juice and take vitamins!
Vicks on the bottom of your feet
Sleep and chicken soup with cinnamon
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Lots of rest and some hot tea with honey really helps!
I make homemade chicken soup!
Thanks for the chance.
For sore throats, a mixture of honey, lemon and vinegar-1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
Lots of sleep & liquids & homemade chicken soup, humidifier & Vicks rub.
i use vicks
for a sore throat I use warm salt water gargle
I give my kids lots of fluids, kool-aid or even ice pops so they stay hydrated and have them rest a lot.
my grandkids need this
chicken soup & vicks
Plenty of rest, fluids and tender loving care
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
vicks chicken soup & rest
Rest, lots of fluids, hot tea with lemon.
Lots of sleep. That is about the only thing that helps me. Tea with honey is great for a sore throat too.
i only use vicks
vicks is the best
miso soup and emergen-c.
dani marie ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com
Lots and lots of liquids, and rest.
honey lemon tea
Chicken Soup and lots of rest
vicks vicks & more vicks
Home remedies? A humidifier and a vaporizer and plenty of clear fluids
This remedy works for colds, flues, and stomach bugs. 2 tbls apple cider vinegar (Bragg brand), 1 tbls honey, 2 cloves garlic minced. Heat all up over low heat and then add a little water and drink.
my best home remedy is hugs,rest and time
A lot of rest and fluids is my advice!
Vitamin D, fluids and rest.
Best home remedy, ice water, cough drops and lots of rest
Eileen Burke
just fluids and rest - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
Homemade chicken soup, orange juice and being snuggly warm and sleeping as much as possible is our way of combating the flu or a cold.
Lots of rest and fluids!
i need a new one
Hot tea
Brittney House
Lots of juice
1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/8 teaspoon cayenne and 1 tablespoon honey in a coffee mug. Fill with hot water, stir and sip slowly. Thanks for the giveaway.
Take Garlic Pills! But that's for adults.. for my son we keep a humidifier in his room and use the Nasal Aspirator, which works WONDERS
Homemade chicken noodle soup helps with a sore throat and my kids love it!
We also leave a sliced open onion in a room with the sick person while they sleep. It helps rid the sickness faster.
I drink hot tea and take lots of vitamin c and zinc
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I just take nyqyil
liquids, sleep, and time
rest, rest, rest, and oj
Herbal tea and sleeping a lot are what I usually turn to. I hope anyone who has the flu right now gets better soon!
Best advice for me... Lots and lots of fresh squeezed orange juice.
chicken noodle soup
vicks vicks vicks!!!!!!!!!!!
honey and lemon twice a day!
Stay in bed, rest, tea and honey with lemon, lots of liquids, and plenty of love
Denise Shook
i realy need this for my grandkids. they are always getting sick.
Sleep and a good hot toddy usually helps!
Michelle Tucker
michelletucker at baconnation dot net
I always prescribe warm honey water and lots of rest for my sick family.
I prefer to use warm honey tea to soothe a sore throat, and I make sure to use a humidifier, to make sure there is not dry air.
We like to get the bathroom as steamy as possible and sit in there until it's all gone.Helps clear out the lungs a bit, relive the coughing and stuffiness
A steamy bathroom has always been a go to for us plus lots of rest & fluids.
spoons of honey for a sore throat
Chicken noodle soup
Lots of fluids and Nyquil!
Homemade chicken soup, hot tea with honey, cozy warm bed on the couch and lots of attention. Gaye M; rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com
lipton soupp gatoradee and some vicks rub and lots of restt
My best tip for babies is if they are congested, sit with them in the bathroom while you run a hot shower. The sauna/humidity helps clear their congestion.
my best home remedy for cold/flu is to wash hands regularly and try to prevent it but once you have it you need to rest and have lots of liquids
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
My best advice is use a humidifier!
Homemade chicken soup and lots of rest
My husband believes it is my chicken soup. I would add to drink plenty of liquids and get lots of rest. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
LOVE, fluids, LOVE, HUGS and tender kisses and some vick's of course.
Vicks on the feet with socks on.
Lots of honey and ginger tea!
steph_showalter at yahoo dot com
Lot's of sleep!
Virginia Rowell
For us I make homemade chicken broth with lots of onions and garlic.
spcale at yahoo dot com
Honey for the cough.
Lots of fluids and lots of rest!
Honey & lemon tea
Lots of herbal tea and hot and sour soup!
Fluids and rest
Thanks for the giveaway...Chicken soup laced with hot sauce, crushed garlic, and oregano.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Rafflecopter: Bryan E.
tons of OJ, chicken noodle soup and a few games of old maid ;) and rummy
chicken noodle soup, vitamin c and sleep wilcarvic
Lemon garlic and black pepper. Sounds icky but it works.
Let the fever do it's job, no matter how miserable you are.
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