Lauren on a Bobcat.
Future Red Sox player. Look at that mug!
1st off I always wonder if anyone is reading. Hopefully you are. I love comments, so if you are reading just drop me a quick comment to know you are out there.
As you may know I have made some cakes for Ev and Lauren's birthdays after taking the Wilton Course 1. Well I found a website called Cake Central that I have started posting my cakes to. They even have a contest on there that I entered Lauren's Princess cake into. It is a Fairy Tale cake contest. Voting starts January 28th so vote if you can. Right now I posed Evan's Mickey cake and Lauren's Princess cake there. It is fun getting comments from others on my cakes and seeing all the cool things people do. I also enjoy watching Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. Amazing what they create.
Here is Lauren before all the excitement started. We were hanging out at a friend's house for New Year's Eve and eating/drinking, having the kids play. Lauren was acting fine, but then around 10:45 Lauren threw up. We left the party, came home and bathed the kids. John was in the shower cleaning up as mid-night struck. I taped Dick Clark's Rockin New Years Eve so we could re-live mid-night when John came down. John asked me out 14 years ago on New Year's Eve (after mid-night) so it is our original dating anniversary.
Evan cooking up some fun.